Thursday 25 August 2011

2010 Terengganu State Distinction & Skilled Student Development Program (TATI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE)

KEMAMAN, 13 June 2011: The successful operation of 2010 Terengganu State Distinction & Skilled Student Development  Program Course reflects the benefits gained by the participants involving all SPM leavers from all over Terengganu State as the strong effort from the State Government to train and give exposure to SPM school leavers on the skills available at the State’s Institution of Higher Learning, especially at TATIUC. Apparently all participants gain good advantages especially in terms of skill upgrading courses conducted at TATIUC. Teaching facilities and expertise offered by TATIUC are fully leveraged to provide training and knowledge to the participants. Many participants who may not know these courses at TATIUC now have been exposed to the latest knowledge skills which can contribute in attracting them to learn more in the near future. The TATIUC is proud with the results of this effort as they also contribute indirectly the facilities and the expertise in enhancing the student skills of the State of Terengganu.

TATIUC has successfully trained over 144 students who have recently completed the SPM 2010. They have conducted 7 courses in increasing the skills among SPM school leavers such as Multimedia & Graphic Design, Milling & Turning Basics, Basic Industrial Design/Draughtsman, Motorized Vehicle Maintenance, Basic Photography & Video Editing, PC Maintenance & Assembly and Basic Electrical & Electronics.

TATI University College will continue to function as the centre of knowledge in producing high-skilled students in various fields. This all at once can fulfill the government’s vision in producing more skilled workers among the locals to meet the needs of the industrial sectors in this country. With the expertise and facilities available at TATIUC, it is highly believed that the goal to produce more technocrats will be achieved.

The participants that TATIUC have engendered are the main medium to promote this institution to today’s society.  Positive developments from time to time have helped the progress of TATI University College. In the vibrancy of academic development agenda, TATIUC never leaves the aspect of human capital development. These participants have been taught with the spirit and the genuine principles of self-esteem so that they are able to compete at the higher level.

It is hoped that this program will continue to be conducted at TATIUC in the future. A great appreciation to all those involved in the success of this course and hope that all participants will succeed to further studies at higher learning and as well as will be able to contribute something meaningful to the families and the society.

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