Thursday 4 August 2011


Penang, 31 May: Developments in communications and information technology have brought about changes to society and university students, specifically those in distance education. This group of people should use technology in seeking knowledge.

According to the Acting Vice-Chancellor of USM, Assoc. Prof. Omar bin Osman, technological developments have created societies that are information-based that will enable them to compete globally.

“However, all knowledge available at the finger tips will not be of use if students do not strive to master the technology. The ability to master technology such as the Internet will give students the competitive edge and ensure that they are not left behind in their pursuit of knowledge,” he said at the Distance Education Students Welcoming Ceremony in conjunction with the Distance Education Orientation Week from 28 May to 1 June 2007.

He said that USM has taken the initiative to enhance the e-Learning portal of the School of Education, USM, hence, students are able to attend video conferencing sessions anywhere.

“Commencing this Academic Session, students who face difficulty in attending lectures at the district centres of the School of Distance Education can follow the video conference and download lecture videos if they have Internet lines.”

“Based on the study related to the initiative and feedback from students, we believe that this will greatly benefit students. We are also looking into the technology that will enable students to interact with their lecturers during video sessions which we hope to implement in the near future,” he said.

Through the School of Distance Education e-Learning portal, students can access additional notes, assignment questions, sel-access learning modules and others available at

For the 2007/2008 Academic Session, 1,732 students from all over the country will pursue their Bachelor of Arts [Humanities], Bachelor of Social Sciences, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Management degrees.

From this total, 53 students will undergo the orientation programme at Maktab Sabah, Kota Kinabalu from 5 June and 74 students will undergo this progmme at the Kolej Datu Patinggi Abang Hj. Abdillah, Petra Jaya, Sarawak.

USM also accepted 26 senior citizens and 32 students with different abilities.

Penang, 31 May 2007: If there's a will, there's a way. Believing in this saying, 32 students with different ability and 26 senior citizens made a vow to continue their studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to fulfil their dreams of earning a degree.

These students registered for the university's Distance Education Programme on 28 may 2007.

Among them, Norhayati binti Mohd. Yusoff, 27, a polio victim at the age of 13, said that she was determined to take up the challenge to further her studies at the university.

“I dropped out in Form 1. But I realised that importance of knowledge and I continued to study from home on my own. After completing my SPM in 2003 and STPM in 2006, I applied to continue my studies at USM.”

“I believe that I can overcome all obstacles with a strong will. My family members and close friends have always been supportive and they've encouraged me to continue my studies. Their support and encouragement will strengthen me in my journey which I believe will be an uphill struggle,” she said. She's pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Arts.

As for senior citizen, Hj. Ahmad bin Eunos, 62, he will be achieve him aim of continuing his studies as he's offered the Bachelor of Social Sciences programme. He retired in 1998 as the Deputy Commissioner of Commerce at the Foreign Ministy in South Africa. He holds a Diploma in Law.

“I've always wanted to continue my studies but had had to postpone my plans due to work commitments. And now, I'm able to achieve my plan despite my age.”

“I think USM's effort in providing senior citizens with the opportunities to further their studies is commendable. With the initiatives such as reduced fees and a conducive environment, I see no reason why senior citizens like me should reject the offer to continue our studies,” he said.

Another senior citizen student, K. Jayalakshme, 58, describes the opportunity as the university's recognition of their work experience. He was a teacher.

According to him, developments in technological have enabled everyone in all levels of society to continue their studies and this opportunity should be put to good use.

“I believe that age is not barrier in pursuing a degree. USM, for instance, has provided vast opportunities through its e-Learning Portal for its students in their pursuit of knowledge. If there's a will, age is not a barrier,” he said.

Caption: DETERMINATION...Acting Vice-Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Omar bin Osman [right] with Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International Affairs), Prof. Dato' Rosihan M. Ali (centre) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Dato' Prof. Muhammad Idiris Saleh sharing their experiences with Norhayati Mohd Yusoff, student with different ability, and senior citizen students at the Welcoming Ceremony for new students of USM's distance education programme today.

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