Wednesday 10 August 2011

UTP and MIMOS to Collaborate on Grid Computering, MEMS and Software Testing

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) signed a five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MIMOS Berhad to collaborate on three research areas - Grid Computing, Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and Software Testing.

The collaboration involves two programmes in UTP – Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EE) and Computer Information Sciences (CIS) – and MIMOS Test Centre of Excellence (MIMOS TestCOE), MIMOS Grid Computing Cluster and MIMOS Micro Systems and MEMS Cluster.

Under the memorandum, UTP and MIMOS will be working towards:

1. Software Testing via MIMOS TestCOE
  • Knowledge sharing on the latest Usability Testing technologies
  • Consultation by MIMOS domain experts on UTP Usability Subjects and the set-up of UTP’s Eye Tracking Usability Lab
  • Postgraduate internships and adjunct learning programmes in Software Testing
  • Establishing industry-centric syllabus in software testing in efforts to develop a Software Testing Institute
2. Grid Computing via MIMOS Grid Computing Cluster
MIMOS domain experts to facilitate research and provide resources for application simulation via KnowledgeGRID Malaysia for two technofund recipient programme that UTP is involved in – DBrainGRID, a programme with the aim to develop Multi-agents (hardware and software) for diagnosis, therapeutics and treatment of dementia-affected people and VLSI GRID, which simulates very-large-scale integration (VLSI) before committing to integrated circuit manufacturing.

3. MEMS via MIMOS Micro Systems and MEMS Centre
  • Creating real-time detection sensors that is integrated via a wireless sensing network to monitor corrosion of materials
  • Establishing a research collaboration network for industrial-environmental applications sensors
  • Establishing a postgraduate internship programme
Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Haji Kasim said, “For the past two years, UTP has been actively pursuing various collaborations with a number of universities and research institutions, local and abroad, in line with our effort to ascertain global recognition. Collaborations with carefully selected partners would provide an opportunity for both parties to work together on common grounds to achieve our common goals.”

It is expected that through this agreement, it will pave the way towards an enhanced relationship between the industry and the academia in creating a pool of educated and trained human capital. It will also strengthen the existing collaborative works and spur many more new collaborative works between the two organisations.

“As the premier applied research centre in frontier technologies, MIMOS has consistently collaborated and will continue to do so with various local universities in efforts to not only power these institutes as our virtual researchers but also to mold our local graduates into domain experts via graduate placement programmes to better prepare them for a career in the research and development industry,” said Dato’ Abdul Wahab Abdullah, President & CEO, MIMOS Berhad.

“Our host of long-standing collaborations with UTP further strengthens MIMOS' network of dedicated partners and underscores MIMOS as the preferred partner of choice for developing frontier technology platforms as we work towards growing globally competitive indigenous industries,” he said.

Some of the existing on-going collaborations between UTP and MIMOS include student internships in MIMOS TestCOE since 2007 on Usability and Performance Testing; External Examiners Programme since 2008 where MIMOS TestCOE researchers evaluates students’ final year projects while providing feedback as per industry benchmarks; Adjunct Lecturers Programme since 2008 where UTP and MIMOS share knowledge on the latest happenings in the software testing and development industry.

At the MoU signing ceremony, UTP was represented by its Rector, Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Hj Kasim while MIMOS was represented by its Senior Vice President, Technology Strategy, Realisation and Operations, En Abdul Aziz Abdul Kadir.

The signing ceremony was further witnessed by Associate Professor Dr Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz, Director, Research Enterprise Office, UTP and Professor Dr Masuri Othman, Head of Micro Systems and MEMS, MIMOS.

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